Monday, 16 December 2013

IBM installation manager jvm terminated exit code 13

During install IBM Installation Manager, got this error "jvm terminated exit code 13", checked the jvm version,it's right, then grant all sub-folder with execution permission, then it work!
At first I just did "chmod +x *" for current folder, it should be executed as " chmod -R +x *"

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Why is the CPU's behavior different with same test suite?

I ran a same test suite on two different platforms: 
1) Drive server : redhat5.4, under test server : aix6.1
2) Driver server: redhat6.0, under test server: win2k8
There is a CPU usage increasing trend on #1 drive server as the chart:, but it is really stable on #2 drive server as this chart . I checked the network transfer rate is also increasing on #1 drive server as the chart so I think it maybe the reason which caused CPU increasing, but I am curious why it didn't appear on #2 drive server?